All the orders should be reached in writing. About the orders transmitted by telephone, they will be valid only after our order confirmation
and with the terms we will write in it. We can’t accept cancellation, nor partial, after 24 hours from the date of the order, except special case,
and if accepted, it will be our right to ask the reimbursement of the expenses sustained until that moment. The minimum amount for the
orders is € 150,00. It could be possible that we’ll delay some orders with lower amount to accumulate material to achieve the minimum
fixed. In case of urgency for delivery of the order for lower amount we’ll debit € 25,00 in the invoice as contribution for the extra costs of
the order management.
The delivery time confirmed will be respected as much as possible. Possible delays that don’t depend from our company will can not be
reasons to cancel the order or to request any compensation.
Freight costs and risks will be at the charge of the buyer. Without different agreements, we will ship the material with the most
advantageous forwarding agent. Possible insurances must be previously demanded and debited at the real cost in the invoice. The package
is at the charge of the buyer and it’s debited at the real cost.
All our products are carefully controlled during the manufacturing and they’re guaranteed in every aspect. The guarantee doesn’t include
damages caused during the transport, defects for wrong or improper use, wear and tear and modifications made without our approval. In
any case, claims for direct or indirect damages caused from the tools considered defectives will not accepted.
Claims for wrong or defective goods have to be communicated by written documentation within 8 days from the receipt of the goods
mentioning the defect found. Any restitution will accepted if not previously authorized.
Prices are considered without VAT that will be imposed with the share in force at the moment of the invoicing. The prices are ex works and
the package is excluded.
Without different agreements, the invoice’s amount has to be totally paid at the established deadline (date). All the extra expenses are at the
charge of the customer. If the terms of payment are not respected, the GDA can interrupt the supplies and debit the accrued interests, with
further interest of 5% to cover the extra costs. Claims for part of supplies don’t give the right to postpone the term of payment or to not pay
other invoices.
All rights are reserved in accordance with the law. This catalogue may not be reproduced or copied (even in part) without the written
authorization of GDA.
For every legal matter the place of jurisdiction is Rovereto (TN). All the contracts are regulated by the Italian legislation.